Mission, Vision, & Values


Our mission is “to bring light into this plane” to rebuild relationship eradicating oppression by providing services, education, and applied research for sustainable community development.

The Nature Studies Conservatory: Center for Healing, Education, and Applied Research, is a comprehensive resource dedicated to altruistic social-environmental activism, stewardship, and community partnership for the healing of humanity and the planet. The Conservatory provides programs, education, services, and resources to heal from oppression, optimize health and wellbeing, improve the quality of life, and offer assistance in achieving one’s full potential. The Harmony Project focuses on supporting personal healing work for rematriation, reclamation, and re-storying of individual, ancestral/family, and collective experiences. This includes healing micro-/macro-aggressions and trauma that contribute to acts of oppression, systemic racism, social-economic disparity, and violence. We engage in collaborative partnerships with an emphasis on serving BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) communities for personal and collective empowerment and sustainable/regenerative social-economic restoration. Personal and professional development courses are an integration of research, ancestral-indigenous wisdoms, and contemplative studies. We also provide community leadership training and resources to contribute to economic, housing, and healthy food security. The NSC’s offerings support BIPOC in their work to heal, develop, grow/expand, and experience freedom to live fully from truth, creative purpose, and prosperity.


For each person to experience heart-inspired, inner awareness and engage in altruistic relationship with one another and the planet.


Welcoming people of all backgrounds; we inspire, empower, and cultivate inner awareness, self-knowledge, and connection to our heart/spirit/power source to passionately express our lives with altruistic purpose that includes contributing to social-environmental justice (i.e., activism and stewardship). 

Heart-centered, reciprocal relationship lays the foundation for personal, family, community, and environmental renewal. 

Expanding our definition of self to include self as others: family/ancestral, community, and Earth/environment; which, forms an evolving individual and collective sense of self. 

Holistically developing the spiritual-conscious, emotional, mental, physical, creativity, and relational dimensions of the self awakens a different relationship with the world. 

Interfaith Principles

The Sacred, Nature, and Human Potential

We understand that each of us encounter the Sacred in our own personal way. Respecting differences, we seek and practice a life of compassionate action and engagement with one another and the world.

  • The Sacred is present in all creation, Nature; which, may be expressed or unexpressed.
  • We have the ability to express the Sacred in our everyday interactions and engagement via love and compassion.
  • Development of inner relationship with our Higher Self/the Sacred facilitates the awareness and expression of the Sacred and our human potential.
  • We create how we show up in the world and manifest a life which brings us healing and wholeness.
  • Altruistic, heart-centered expression of our truth/purpose in all aspects of our living/being contributes to the healing of humanity, sentient beings, and the Earth.